
The Advantage of Regular Dental Checkups

  An Overview of the Dental Checkup Procedure: Dental checkups are a necessary procedure to help strengthen your teeth, ensure healthy gums, and improve your overall oral health. Your dental checkup consists of two parts — dental examination and cleaning, or prophylaxis. Typically, the exam is completed by your dentist, while a hygienist does the cleaning. The process for dental examination includes... X-ray_ Your dentist will take an X-ray of your teeth to detect decay before it is visible. Removal of bacteria_ The next step includes a check and removal of plaque on your teeth, which is a clear and sticky layer of bacteria. Dentists will also eliminate tartar that can’t be removed by brushing or flossing.  Helping you maintain clean and healthy teeth is just one reason why regular dental checkups are important. Examinations are also an excellent opportunity for assessing your gums, mouth, and jaw for any issues that might require additional procedures. You’ll want to visit your dentis